Dear business partners,
The Hansekon "Always On Mobile" is Germany's first Mobile Security, and Enterprise Mobility Partners & Distributor, specializing in real-time "eLicensing" and "eLicense" Value Added Distribution.
As a division of Hansekon GmbH, which has its origin in the 80th with global trade, the Hansekon "Always On Mobile", is the result of the consistent further development of the trends in the logistics into real-time eLicense logistics.
This serves the Hansekon "Always On Mobile" with its specially developed electronic delivery process system in real time the consumer and business customers and is capable of the entire supply chain from manufacturer eLicense through resellers to the end customer mapping.
Our Hansekon eLicense platform guarantees the highest quality to our customers.
Your Hansekon "Always On Mobile" Hamburg team
A member of Hansekon GmbH